Day 3 - splits

Today I document in pictures the 3rd day of the split series with Yograja. Positions repeat themselves. New variations are introduced, but also new positions. The individual positions are repeated. There is a dynamic phase and a static phase.

To engage in the series is also to learn.

I like the relatively short warm-up phase. This makes it easy to squeeze in a second yoga session in the evening.

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During this warm-up you stretch your upper body upwards. Then you bend forward. The positions are designed to stretch the back leg muscles. If the toes are stretched upwards, this intensifies the position. When you look up or forward, your back remains straight.

The first two positions prepare for the sideways split. It is important to position the feet relatively far apart. The knees should not move inward, but point toward the foot. When the elbows are placed on the floor, the position is intensified.

The next position stretches the hip of the leg extended backwards.

The next positions are lunges. If the elbows can reach the floor, it intensifies the position. First, the foot is firmly on the floor. In the variation, the knee moves to the side. Each variation stretches the body differently. It is a journey of discovery.

The positions speak for themselves and are also already known. Ultimately, you also have to practice the splits and not just do exercises for it.

The next position can be practiced dynamically and statically. Twelve times move the outstretched leg to the side and back. This warms and stretches the hips. First always comes the dynamic part, and then the static. I always put towels under my bent knee. I also put a towel under the foot of the extended knee as well to slide to the side more easily. When you get to the static part, the body pushes down. The foot is not pointed so as not to facilitate the stretch. Muscles are tensed, both the leg muscles and the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles.

And already the end is reached. The legs are shaken out again. In the second position, the knees move up and down to loosen the hips. The twists neutralize the exercises.

You can also get inspiration from this series. You can try to integrate positions into your daily exercise.