I get stronger again


On Fridays Ashtanga Yoga practitioners focus on the first series. So did I this morning. Primary helps to get stronger due to the many many vinyasa between asanas and sides. I integrate the handstand drills that I learned lately. That is I knew many of them, but with a goal in mind I’m motivated to do the extra work.

My feet are always sliding on the mat when I jump forward. In order to make the next step I must film myself. A cursing yogini is a contradiction, but each time when one of my foot is sliding I curse. I have the feeling that I’m so close to a nice swinging through my arms. Yet when the floor stops me, the movement is uneven. The handstand training is very supportive. Perhaps I won’t learn handstand, but to do a nice vinyasa one day with all these handstand drills.

My handstand training with Kino motivates me also to work on strength. Practicing with an online community is a joy as well. Every single practitioner gives energy to the group and receives energy. This exchange of energy is perhaps not so strong like in a yoga class, when I sweat next to yogini who fight with the asanas like I do. Yet the energy of the community is there and it’s very positive.

Yepee, I practiced. There is no discussion if or if not. I don’t ask myself what mood I have today. I know it will change as soon as I start with the first inhalation. It will change during the practice. Highlights are experienced during every practice. In the beginning I’m strong. The longer I practice the more exhausted I feel. The stretching pain feels awful. But when finally the poses feel good and when I can relax when I practice once challenging asanas it’s rather satisfying.

That I don’t omit vinyasa anymore is a huge step. It took me years to recover from my back injury.

It’s always a joy, when I feel no pain at all in my back. I don’t even think about my back when I practice these days. This is a gift.