The formula for progress is a daily practice


It remains a challenge to find time to practice. There are so many distractions, but also duties and other interests. But yoga is my lynchpin. It keeps my mind and body healthy and strong. When the body starts complaining also the other activities become harder or even impossible. That’s only one reason why the yoga practice has priority.

It’s rewarding to practice daily. I realize progress when I practice every day. My new trick to get me on the mat is to start really slowly and easy-going. I’m not like a beamer anymore that is from 0 to 100 kmh within a seconds. I’d compare myself rather with a van. It takes time to start. As soon as I’ve started it’s difficult to stop. To practice alone gives a lot of freedom. The speed, the intensity, the poses it’s all my choice of the day.

When a pose seems difficult on a given day, I practice an easier variation. After that easier variation often the more challenging one is possible. I’m exercising. I work on different poses. It’s not a yoga performance what happens on the mat. I try to find out my limits and I try to stretch those with attention and a loving attitude. Nothing can be forced. Yet it’s necessary to put time and energy and knowledge into the practice.

Today I focused on back bending.

Tomorrow I’ll focus on forward bending asanas.

Every day I do twists and inversions. I think I’ve a balanced practice these days.

Picture: parsva dhanurasana